Call the police. This is an emergency.
I was right. Tomorrow came, the leaves of autumn have long since left the trees. The entire area looks desolate. Dead. The cold has settled in nicely, an eerie silence is sometimes broken by the terrible noises of a busy city. I have awoken. And instead of enjoying my coffee and Earl Gray, here I am, lamenting my fate.
My premonition was right. Just like an oracle of the old times, I knew exactly what the future would hold. But just like the people of old times were powerless against the gods, so am I powerless when faced with my predicament. Because of my earlier foolishness I must take the pernicious journey to the store. Braving the elements, and if I succeed, I'm to return with my valued prize: the cereal.
All I can do now is curse my past self, and steel my mind for the challenges I have to face. I will return victorious, or not at all.
I was right. Tomorrow came, the leaves of autumn have long since left the trees. The entire area looks desolate. Dead. The cold has settled in nicely, an eerie silence is sometimes broken by the terrible noises of a busy city. I have awoken. And instead of enjoying my coffee and Earl Gray, here I am, lamenting my fate.
My premonition was right. Just like an oracle of the old times, I knew exactly what the future would hold. But just like the people of old times were powerless against the gods, so am I powerless when faced with my predicament. Because of my earlier foolishness I must take the pernicious journey to the store. Braving the elements, and if I succeed, I'm to return with my valued prize: the cereal.
All I can do now is curse my past self, and steel my mind for the challenges I have to face. I will return victorious, or not at all.
nice blanc impression
I have returned. And everything could not have gone any worse. First of all, my new beanie looks dope as fuck. However, the weather was not cold enough for it. Slightly, ever so slightly too warm, so that caused a minor discomfort that was absolutely terrible. It was obviously too cold to go without it. Luckily when I got to the store I took it off and everything was golden again.
Now, the big issue of this journey. There were plenty of cereal to choose from. I felt adventurous, obviously, since I embarked on this strange journey after all. So I chose something I never had before: Lion cereal. I was sceptical that they would be good. But I thought what the hell, how bad can they be. I paid, and travelled back home.
Disaster struck at home. I put myself a nice bowl of cereal, and started eating them. Mediocre doesn't even begin to describe them. They're bland, and simply not good. I don't think I'll finish the bag, I'll throw it away and buy other cereal. Life is too short to tolerate eating shitty cereal LOL. But anyhow, this really is a shitty start to what would've been an amazing weekend.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Bought some more today. Those are good. Fuck yeah. Never again Lion cereal, that shit's gross af.
I'm so glad to hear everything worked out for you. I was so worried about you going the way of the ethiopians. Dont let this endeavor scar you with PTSD that will cause you so much strife as to force you to write thousands of words on a forum about your lamentious occassions