In short, yes I get tired of always being nice to people. But I have a better chance of success if I work with people.
Why not just find others of a like mind? It's a lot more relaxed and laid back when you don't have to be something unlike yourself.
When you have to pretend you're someone else, it gives you a queue of expectations around that other person that can very easily be externalized as blame towards them, or "people" if it's a mask for everyone.
Being yourself might be repellant to many people, but those who stick around will be around for the real you, a you that isn't an Actor's Queue, a Behavioral Checklist, and instead relaxed and laid back with synergistic company.
I can tell when someone is like me and adjust accordingly.
I had one friend last year that I would go on private property with at night, not for anything particularly bad. During the day I'd hang out with the other guys who wouldn't be accepting of what we like to do
I've learned not to close too many doors, just put people on the back burner if I have to be fake around them