Pain, isolation, the unknown, sudden movement, disease, suffocation, incapacitation and falling are your most innate fears and where all of your tertiary fears stem from. Your every action is dictated by these 8 principles and you're likely not even aware of it. You have become so oblivious to it that you've let fear enslave you and there is no escape in your lifetime because your formative years have past. You will continue to withhold openness and truth in social interactions out of fear of being disliked and ultimately isolated. You will continue to fear people who dont act this way. You will continue to fear those that you do not understand. And since you are on SC, it's safe to assume that you are fascinated with that which you cannot attain: with someone uninhibited by fear, unenslaved by instinct, presumably free. Perhaps they have more free-will than you do because they lack natural behavioural restrictors. Maybe you recognize this on some inexplicable level.
I’m not afraid of people I don’t understand instead I have the opposite thing where I’m understanding of everyone, want to read them and know their inner workings fully and what makes them tick.
but I suppose this is just another approach to neutralize the threat?
But beyond fear there is also attachment, and I think that an attachment disorder can override the hardwired fear mechanism
if you research these disorders it can sometimes cause an “inexplicable” openness as you put it, that other people don’t understand and may often find off putting or just plain odd.
These attachment disorders result from early childhood. RAD is a common one.
It’s weird we talk a lot about mental disorders and personality disorders but never attachment disorders
Fear is when you make someone suddenly realize all hope is lost. Or when you slip them DMCM into their beverage, what do they do then? Doesn't show up in toxicology report.
People who have fear, have fear because of the array of things that can happen. Those who don't probably want to be psychologically led. What a mess.
Not hard to know what fear is just refer to all my nightmares
he is talking about where that is rooted
and I said there are exceptions, it’s not as black and white as, neurotypical vs. sociopath as he is insinuating
And the response to these tertiary elements is subjective.