The right and far right have captured the political landscape in Flanders, with the radical Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) gaining up to 1/5th of the votes, triple their percentage in 2014, pushing them to be the second largest party in Flanders, just behind the less radical New-Flemish Alliance. In the South however, the polar opposite happened, and French-speaking Wallonians voted for radical left-wing and communist parties, completely splitting the country in two and reviving old tensions. A federal government is as good as impossible now, and only time will tell how this will develop.
Our own cute lil Trump effect.
Highest voter turnout in the EU:
Belgium’s ‘Black Sunday’ sees far-right surge, threatens new government crisis
"Belgium’s “Super Sunday” of elections was marked by a distinct shift to the extreme-right in the more prosperous Dutch-speaking Flanders region while voters in French-speaking Wallonia gave leftist parties a clear win.
This results in an ever more polarised parliament at federal level where each region has a pre-determined number of seats. With the exception of the Greens, this means the country’s linguistic divide is now also clearly doubled by a political divide."