I haven't been there in a long time, I really miss the life of it.
I however don't miss some of the smells.Youve visted before? what was your experience like what did you do here
I went there a fair number of times when I was a kid from my parents being big fans of the place. I often saw shows and hung around in Time Square while eating large slices of pizza like a total tourist. It's a great place to soak in, and there's more than enough to do there. Most of my best times there however were spent just sitting somewhere and observing everyone's lives, their sense of main-character themed drives... it really makes one sonder.
The way people move around outside is like an ecosystem. In general it's fun to see how large bodies of people move as one, like how in Japan they were like schools of fish or well organized birds, but with New York there was a sort of brutish sense of individuality from within the human currents. Pairing this with smooth music helped distract me from all the human squawking, allowing me to focus instead on the natural movements present within such large-yet-disconnected crowds. Even the thieves and street sellers conform to this sense of ecosystem, an ecosystem that yields the heart of people more than one might get from some isolationist religious text or history book.
"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single idea." It's the world outside of ourselves that stands to show us what we're missing, and to see how it functions around other archetypal behaviors shows us more of what it means to be a part of it.
I was there for one of their larger snowstorms on record in high school, and it was interesting to see how much a crisis like that could bring out the camaraderie of the city. What was normally a selfish sense of individual interests was replaced instead with a larger interconnected sense of being, showing the nature of the place's true intentions by having the flow they're used to be interrupted (history's shown the same for other NY crisis'). There's a strength that underlies the place that's easily overlooked.
I really, really like the place. Beyond the actual places to go, the people watching is extremely raw in spite of being so overtly first world. Barring issues in patience, I could get lost in other people's stories all day there.